Tag Archives: covid

Picture of a brindle French Bulldog to illustrate Covid brain is a thing

Covid brain is a thing

We’re on the mend – tested negative and tiptoe-ing back into life. Unfortunately, we have discovered that Covid brain is real. There’s been a lot of backwards-typing. Not as bad as the days of “white-out” – but not the most productive.

The hardest thing is finding out that “Covid Brain” is a real thing and that we’ve got it. Bad. It resembles all the funny memes you see about what happens to you as you age – except it happened within the last week.

We walk into rooms and forgot why we’re there. We have the “answering the phone” script typed out in front of us (Hi, this is Hope at Golly Gear! How may I help you?). I’ve been saying the same thing whenever I answer the phone for 15 years. 

And Fran, who is an actual accountant (CPA and everything), is triple-checking her figures on everything, especially before she hits “Send.” 

It’s been weird.

It only lasts a moment

Picture of a brindle French Bulldog to illustrate Covid brain is a thing

We know that as we recuperate, the effects will diminish and disappear. In the meantime, we know we’re having to concentrate as hard as we ever have. And not make any quick decisions. If you can’t wait for me to think about it, right now the answer’s got to be “No.”

If you follow Golly Gear on Facebook, we’ve been having some fun with it. Apparently the “younger generation” (our dogs) have staged a takeover of the company and are running it. Talk about taking over the asylum…

Please stay tuned

We apologize for not having anything particularly useful this week. Thank goodness for our dogs. They’ve been wonderful companions, cuddlers, and comfort-givers over the last week. Now if we could only get them to use the toilet. And flush when they’re done.

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