The only love money can buy
We’ve always felt a bit sorry for people who don’t like dogs. We have to assume they haven’t known many, if any at all. Dogs are the greatest bargain ever. It’s the only love money can buy.
Dogs are probably the most amazing creatures on the planet. They’re comfortable in a society not their own, unconditionally love a species not their own, hold no grudges, and live each moment as it comes.
Great outlook on life
In the dog training classes we teach, people come to a whole new appreciation and understanding of their dogs. It helps to know how dogs’ and people's world views coincide and diverge.
One major difference in thinking is that dogs don’t understand “maybe” or “sometimes.” Dogs are binary thinkers: true/false, yes/no, on/off. They can’t process words having two meanings, or “under some conditions.”
Probably the most common confusion for most dogs is when someone tells them to “Sit down!” Which one do you mean? If you’re like most people, you’ve probably taught your dog both sit and down. Saying them together is just confusing for the dog.
Another common one is saying “Down!” when the dog jumps up on something. If “Down!” means “Lie Down!” it can’t also mean “Get Off!”
Here, there, and everywhere
A fundamental difference between human and dog understanding is “generalizing.” People do it all the time, with everything, from a very young age.
Generalizing means that when you know something, you know it under any circumstances. It’s not dependent on context. Once you know how to use a spoon, you know how to use every spoon. It doesn’t matter where you are, what the spoon looks like, or even what material it’s made of. All spoons work the same way.
Dogs don’t come with that software installed. You can upload it, but it takes some time. It’s why dogs who slam their butts to the ground when you say “Sit!” in the kitchen act like they’ve never heard the word before when you say it at the veterinarian’s office.
Expanding both horizons
While we make an effort to broaden our dogs’ understanding of our human world, dogs are busy teaching us about their absolutes in life.
Dogs absolutely love. First time dog owners are usually surprised by the unconditional love of a dog. People are gob-smacked by how being the recipient of pure love changes their lives. Your dog loves you no matter what.
Dogs live in the moment. Now is the best day of their life. Every single now. They enjoy the present without regrets of the past or worries of the future.
Perfect partnership
We love expanding our dogs’ lives and pushing the limits of their capabilities. One of the ways is by teaching them new things - even our senior dogs. Like people, there’s no age limit on learning.
And we’re always learning from them, too. The most profound lesson this year was from Hope’s French Bulldog Torque. Last New Year’s Eve he had to have emergency surgery to remove his right eye. After the “cone of shame” came off two weeks later, he didn’t care. It doesn’t stop him. It doesn’t even hold him back.
Just as Torque’s always ready to learn and try new things, we’re learning from our dogs. And that’s why dogs are a great bargain. The only love money can buy.
1 comment
Thanks for your words about a dog’s unconditional love. Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. Merry Christmas to you and yours.